what werewolf r u?

you are the best person on earth for getting this score and the smartest for taking this quiz i will award you a good report for this quiz and farewell good friend

you you you you you are offically the smartest person alive untill someone smarter comes along to take over your spot and fofill their destany as king or queen

Created by: katelyn
  1. which on do u like better?
  2. which one is hot?
  3. do you like bella?
  4. is edward ho?
  5. do you like me?
  6. which book is better?
  7. what is jacobs dads name?
  8. is this quiz cool?
  9. almost done promice but when will you ever stop talking about twilight saga?
  10. OK were done but not over did you like this quizz ?

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