What Vocaloid Are You

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Hello vocaloid fans, This is my first quiz so I decided to make it about VOCALOIDS!!!! The answers you can get are Miku Luka Kaito Gumi Mekio and Rin. My favorite is rin.

Are you going to be the number one princess the the world? (Miku), TUNA TUNA TUNA!!! (Luka) Ice CREAAAAAAAAAAM!! (Kaito) Road ROLLER!! (Rin) carrot (Gumi or sake (mekio)

Created by: Zoerene

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I know everyone hates it but favorite color
  2. Favorite item
  3. Favorite vocaloid
  4. Favorite vocaloid song
  5. Favorite vocaloid duets
  6. Pick a number
  7. Pick a letter
  9. This one doesn't effect the answers,
  10. Ok thanks for your time. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Vocaloid am I