What Video Game should you play?

Hey there gamer!you dont know what to play?in this quiz you can find out the perfect game for you even if you have so much free time,or you are on the rush.

if you just want to know what game is perfect for you,you should still take this one though.because,some games aren't available at some consoles.good luck taking this quiz!

Created by: Archie
  1. what do you want to be?
  2. pick one
  3. How Much time do you want or have to finish the game.
  4. which one do you prefer?
  5. what console do you play at?
  6. what console do you play at?
  7. what would you want to battle?
  8. why are you taking this quiz?
  9. did you like this quiz
  10. will you rate or comment?

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Quiz topic: What Video Game should I play?