what video game console are you

this is a quiz about what game console are you the last couple of questions dont mean anything really so the wont effect your awnser good luck on this awsome quiz

you can do this dude get in there and this quizes but shove your foot up you know kill it burn it poison it drown it just kill it for all thay is good.have a fun time.

Created by: zachary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. pick a coulor.
  2. what controller are you
  3. pick a game
  4. what game type are you
  5. did you like this quiz
  6. do you like football
  7. do you like colledge or nfl
  8. boxers or briefs
  9. pants or skirt
  10. so what movie you like best

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Quiz topic: What video game console am I