What vibes do you have?

This is a test to see what vibes you have. The random letters are to fill in the empty space, so dont mind them erd buygg rfhg vbf esgy8 fuhbhfe syhf srh

jbnguh srgl ijb rgjnb gsrnj gfnb gsrjblkujhxdrg jnd rgijn grijn drglkjn rglkj ne rgliung i b feszluhj gerlj grjn dzgijn sgrijng undgpuh dgiuhg rupi gopi uh

Created by: Orcy
  1. A crime is committed at your school. The person who did it comes up to you and asks you to join them. What do you say?
  2. You get a present you already have. What do you say?
  3. What about if it was your grandma?
  4. Do you like seeing ppl suffering or in pain?
  5. If someone bumps into you, what will you do?
  6. What do you do?
  7. What is life?
  8. Someone looks at you.
  9. Someone punches you.
  10. .

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Quiz topic: What vibes do I have?
