What type of zombie survivor are you?

Let's face it. The Zombie Apocalypse may never happen. But what if it did? Spacer: ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES ZOMBIES

How would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Would you be a peaceful fortress dweller, a tactical nomad or an aggressive soldier? Take the quiz and find out.

Created by: gus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You manage to find and break into an unlooted gun shop. Zombies are approaching fast. Which gun do you choose?
  2. Where would you go to build a fortress?
  3. If the weapon you chose breaks, or you didn't have a weapon, what is your backup?
  4. Have you read the Zombie Survival Guide?
  5. You find a decent sized garage. What do you do?
  6. How large is your group?
  7. How do you plan to get food?
  8. Your base is overrun. Luckily, you have enough fuel/energy to reach anyone of these places. Where do you go?
  9. You are stuck in a heavily infested area with a Submachine gun and 10 rounds. What do you do?
  10. This is my first quiz. Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: What type of zombie survivor am I?