What type of worker for NathanInc are you?

Thank you awesome people who are reading this right now! You will have not wasted your time! Read on... This quiz is gonna be about what type of worker you are in my imaginary company called NathanInc. You think you're random enough? Prove it...

The quiz will consist of 5 levels. Ranging from Personality, where anybody can answer them, to IMPOSSIBLeE! You must have a lot of random information to pass this quiz well. Don't be surprised if you don't like your rating! Oh... by the way... for reading this, I'll tell you that answer #2 for question 4 is the answer to get you the most positive credit! No lies!

Created by: NathanInc

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Welcome to the ultimte quiz awesome! There will be 5 levels in this quiz, and each gets harder as we go along. These questions will be about your personality, anybody can answer them! Are you ready?
  2. Did you read the info about this quiz above?
  3. How often do you get comments like "Weirdo" or "Oddball"?
  4. How are your grades in school? (If you are done with school, click the bottom answer)
  5. Do you like Guitar Hero?
  6. PC Dell,or Mac?
  7. How brothers and sisters do you have?
  8. Do you like chese?
  9. Now it's time to get interesting. LEVEL 2! Dont worry it's True or False! But it'll be hard... The Percy and the Olympians series is written by ick Rioran
  10. This quiz is written on the day of the SuperBowl!
  11. I've been outside the US before
  12. Are you bored?
  13. The author of Yes Man is Danny Wallace
  14. I have a collection of soda can caps that is rapidly growing
  15. I can play Guitar Hero on Expert mode!
  16. This quiz is awesome
  17. Weird Al Yankovics first song ever was "Another one Rides the Bus"
  18. We're out of that level! Now for level 3: RANDOM FACTS! You're gonna ride a bit more on luck on this one.... What is Weird Al Yankovic's zodiac sign?
  19. In Washington, it's illegal to do what to the American Flag?
  20. What country are Duracell AA batteries made in?
  21. What kind of computer do I have?
  22. My Grandpas dog name is...
  23. MY dogs name is...
  24. How long is Finding Nemo?
  25. How many calories are in a 2 liter bottle of Sprite?
  26. That's it for level 3! Level 4 now... These questions are easy... if you can speak Spanish! La respuesta es la respuesta al mas bajo.
  27. Que es dos mas dos?
  28. Si estas organizado en linas, y ay una fila en frente de ti, en qual fila estas?
  29. En cual dia es la Navidad?
  30. Final level: IMPOSSIBLE! The title says it all! This will go to the 50th question, so heres the first! qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,fslkagfiejsgiods!!!
  31. Q
  32. JK! Im really gonna stop here, to stop the torture. But this question is E-V-I-L. Why? Because you cant get it right. No matter which answer you choose, I will give -4 credit for all the good answers, and +6 for all the bad ones! =)

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Quiz topic: What type of worker for NathanInc am I?