What type of wolf are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of wolf are you?

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  • You are a loner you never get pushed around. You love running and hunting but hate the color pink!!!! You are an outdoor person. You like the night and sleeping under the stars!! So Incredibly true! I hate pink and P!nk too! Loer, yup, never pushed around, check, running and hunting, ding, outdoor, night, sleeping under stars, yes!

  • Wait exscuse me? A white wolf as a whinny person who ask my mother for a bedinght kiss? I'm not a teachers pet! I have good grades but I'm not a teachers pet! And I don't whine! And no one talks to me! SO they would barely laugh at me! The description was wrong about me but its a good quiz! Also I don't picture the white wolf like that. Great quiz though!

  • Your Result: Black Wolf

    You are a loner you never get pushed around. You love running and hunting but hate the color pink!!!! You are an outdoor person. You like the night and sleeping under the stars!!

    good quiz
    ms./mr. talon :D

  • Coolness!

  • Black wolf...can't agree with u more!

  • Black wolf no one messes with me and gets away with it!! >:(


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