What Type Of Teacher Are You?

Teachers are very important in this world. They teach us essential information for our lifetimes. Everyone loves teachers, right? I mean, who doesn't?

But, what kind are you? Disciplinary or Lazy? Students love you, or do they adore you? Kids are tough to handle for you, or are they? It all depends... This quiz is designed to tell you what type of teacher you are!

Created by: TayTurtle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Students start giggling while you have your back turned while you writing on the whiteboard. You...
  2. A student shouts out instead of raising their hand. You...
  3. A student is passing notes. You...
  4. You'll give detention at the drop of a hat.
  5. Your class is often noisy.
  6. You try to be fair with all you disciplinary actions.
  7. Your coworkers...
  8. Your class likes you.
  9. What is your reaction to this statement? Children.
  10. Teacher are supposed to...

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Teacher am I?