What type of platypus are you?

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Are you a platypus? Perry? Terry? BOB? Lets find out! Take this quiz and see what type of platypus you are, or maybe which sloth you are, if your just that lucky

Are you a platypus? Perry? Terry? BOB? Lets find out! Take this quiz and see what type of platypus you are, or maybe which sloth you are, if your just that lucky :D

Created by: hannah washington
  1. do you like fish?
  2. are you into cheese?
  3. what is your name
  4. do you watch cbbc
  5. what colour are you?
  6. why are you so small?
  7. what question are we on?
  8. do you have facebook?
  9. what school do you go to?
  10. your mum jokes?
  11. best country?

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Quiz topic: What type of platypus am I?