what type of person are you?

This quiz will find out 1 out of 4 for you.What are you like, maby it will tell you, maby you will disagree.This is my opinon, you DO NOT have to agree.

If you would like to hear than take my quiz.Not to hard not to give away your answer.Do you like video games, or not care.Are you dark, or are you like most.Who knows?

Created by: kaden
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. what is your favorite birthday theme?
  3. do you like video games?
  4. whats your myth?
  5. simple
  6. are you married?
  7. what pet would you have?
  8. whats your favorite movie ceries?
  9. whats your favorite book?
  10. if you could fit three things in a box , witch would it be

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I?