what type of people do you attract???

a lot of people have a crush on somebody.they usually keep it a secret though.do you want to find out who has a crush on you.take this quiz to see what type of people like you.

if you fancy somebody my advice is that you should tell them.the worst ting they can say is eeew.thats not too bad is it.and you never know,she mite like you back.good luck

Created by: howya123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you get mad easily
  2. are you popular
  3. what do you do in school
  4. are you funny
  5. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had
  6. do you have a crush on anyone
  7. do you ever get in trouble in school
  8. do you like my quiz
  9. whats your crushes name
  10. do you want your resuls now

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Quiz topic: What type of people do I attract???