What Type of Nationalist are You?

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Are you someone who longs for the empowerment of the nation? Are you trying to figure out exactly who agrees with you on how to do that? If so, you've come to the right place!

Whether you're some variety of fascist, an anti-imperialist, or a neo-nationalist, you should know what sort of nationalism your views are closest to after taking this quiz.

Created by: JeanLouisDavid

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  1. Where would you place your views on the left-right spectrum?
  2. Which of these people has or had the best ideas?
  3. What is the ideal national economic system?
  4. Imperialism is a good and just way for a nation to assert its power.
  5. Racial identity and national identity cannot be separated; to attempt to do so requires betrayal of one or the other.
  6. The only way for a nation to become great is though a cult of personality around a strong leader.
  7. The nation must be ruled by a totalitarian one-party state.
  8. The state must work to promote the interests of the master race over all others.
  9. A nation must throw off the yoke of capitalist imperialism above all else.
  10. Strikes by workers should be criminalized.
  11. In general, apart from the nationalizations of certain industries, the economy should be based on private individuals being allowed property and private initiative; however, these must be contingent upon service to the state.
  12. The borders need to be closed.
  13. Protectionism in trade is necessary to protect national sovereignty.
  14. How should class conflict be resolved?
  15. Which of these political parties has or had the best policies?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Nationalist am I?