What type of music are you?

Hello you will take this freaking or you will...PEE ON YOURSELF!!! So take it! And like it find out what music you are (contry not an out come) so take it and like it! Dont complain! And i dont like typeing 150 chaictors soo... bye!!!

So you are this quiz huh? Good luck you might be surprised! So hurry and take this quiz!!! What are you waiting for??? Oh yeah me... Blame the website for 150 chactors ok? Take it!!!

Created by: Tim
  1. What type of music do you like
  2. Are you a homosexual
  3. Witch instrment do you like most?
  4. Can you rhyme at all?
  5. Wich do u like most
  6. Who is your favorite
  7. How do u dress
  8. Are u canadain
  9. Cao u sing good
  10. Do u have a daughter or a littler sister or younger female in your life that you act as a father to her
  11. This is the end

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Quiz topic: What type of music am I?