What type of guy are you to me? (guys only)

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there are many guys out there. smart, crazy, funny, druggies, bad boys, compassionate, caring, cute, hot, and ugly, but out of all of them only some can be considered perfect to me

out of the smart, crazy, funny, druggies, bad boys, compassionate, caring, cute, hot, and ugly guys out there which one are you?? do you have any chance with me are u perfect to me??

Created by: Shadys Angel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you saw me crying would you ask what happened??
  2. what would you want to do on a date?
  3. ur favorite color?
  4. pick a number
  5. have i ever went through anything tramatic?
  6. do you think i use drugs and alcohol??
  7. what kinda of girl are u looking for??
  8. do i play seven minutes in heaven freely??
  9. if you saw me at a party would you come hang with me?
  10. am i a good dancer?

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Quiz topic: What type of guy am I to me? (guys only)