what type of fish are you?

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There are many fish in the sea but do you know which one are find out in this What type of fish are you?quiz do you think you wannna find out come one do the quiz!!

nearly done just a few more minites and you will know what type of fish you are this is an fun quiz dont you think?well i do i think its the best in the world!!1nott really im not gonna brag!

Created by: paris16
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to blow bubbles?
  2. your in a emty swimming pool,what do you do?
  3. you ask your friends to go out swimming but they say its lam.....?
  4. what would you do on a beach?
  5. your partner buys a fish tank but you dont like it.....?
  6. what type of fish would you like to be??
  7. what size are you? (no affence)
  8. were you affended?(if you wore im so sorry)
  9. do you wnat to be a....?
  10. pretend you were a fish,would you rather.....?
  11. nealr done!Are you esaly bored?

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Quiz topic: What type of fish am I?