what type of dragon are you?

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses of dragons and there abilites.Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? In my eyes everyone can be but, ONLY if your willing to think outside the box!

Are YOU a genius?! Do you have the brain power to qualify for the title of MAJOR LEAGUE DRAGON?! Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out if you truly deserve the TITLE!

Created by: ironman95
  1. Pick a color
  2. Where would you live?
  3. What type of fire would u blow?
  4. What type of body armor would u have?
  5. What would u do with your enemies?
  6. Who would be your helper or second hand-man?
  7. How many heads would u have?
  8. Who would u terrierise?
  9. How many eyes would you have?
  10. How many teeth would u have and what color would they be?

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Quiz topic: What type of dragon am I?