what type of dog breed are you?

this quiz is about what type of dog you are so if you want to know then you can do this one!!!!bfb ehrfgwayugcegiwyqwertyuioasdfghjklzxcvm,qwertyuiopasdfghjkl; SORRY THAT WAS JUST FOOR THE WORD COUNT

this is by Phoebe!!!gfekruyvywg fuawefuygCRYGEWUrg EGFUYWEGCRUYWEGFUIRrfkueayrgfbwayegf aewfuygyegqryugewuyfgkwehfguyigiyfguygfdaguivwLEA SORRY THAT WAS JUST FOR THE WORD COUNT

Created by: Phoebe
  1. do you like exercise
  2. do you like dogs
  3. what colour dog?
  4. what type of dog?
  5. do you have a job/go to school
  6. do you want/ have a cat
  7. do you have a big back yard?
  8. which continent do you live in?
  9. are you ready for the anwers
  10. are you awesome

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Quiz topic: What type of dog breed am I?
