What type horse are you?

Are you a Throughbred, Gypsy Vanner, Quatre Horse, Shetland or Hanovarian? Take this quiz to find out! It's quick, easy and free! Come on! Try it and please leave a comment!

If you only knew! Wait a minute! You can find out! Take this quiz to find out if you are a Thoroughbred, Gypsy Vanner, Quatre Horse, Shetland or Hanovarian! It's quick, free and easy! Come on!

Created by: Kaitlyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your most important quality is,
  2. You love to jump and run!
  3. You plan to live,
  4. Your idea of the best day is,
  5. You eat (out of 5. 5 being a lot)
  6. Your favourite person is,
  7. You respect everyone
  8. Your spook easily
  9. Your an early bird
  10. Do you like klyheba? (a player on Howrse)

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Quiz topic: What type horse am I?