What Twilight vampire are you?

Vampires belong in your world? which one are you are you ready to take the ultimate test on what vampire you are?? Click to see what amazing vampire chose!

You better be ready its about skill feelings wonders talents and everything twilight offers you enjoy the test and I hope you get the vampire your most like!

Created by: Brooklyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You get complimented so you...
  2. You hurt some one unintentionally so you...
  3. You and your family is in danger you...
  4. You have sacrifice something you would...
  5. your watching a movie it would be??
  6. your favourite flowers are...
  7. your favourite colour is...
  8. You have a talent...
  9. life
  10. you hate...

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Quiz topic: What Twilight vampire am I?