what super mario character r u?

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mario is very famous and most plp have heard of it. there are many characters in mario,but i only named 6. the characters on here are mario,luigi,peach,daisy,bowser,and yoshi.

which one are u? r u a hero like mario and luigi? or r u a girly girl like peach? how about a tomboy like daisy? could u be a villan like bowser? or r u a weird one like yoshi?

Created by: xxGamer

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. wat's ur favorite color?
  2. u r the...
  3. wat do u mostly wear?
  4. wat colors do you usually wear?
  5. wat do u think of the Teddy Chain Letters?
  6. on a scale 1-10,how girly are you?
  7. wat do u think about mario?
  8. when u think the word 'goomba' wats the first word that comes to mind?
  9. who do u want to get?(No effect)
  10. have u ever played mario?(u probably have since you took it)

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