What SugarGlider breed are you?

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Sugar gliders are small cute furry little animals. Including their tail, they are only about 1 foot long!!! Pretty small pretty small..................

There are many different breeds of sugar gliders. There are only 3 in this quiz, but take and find out which one you are. Research these little guys and many you will get one someday!!

Created by: glidersandtricks
  1. Most of the time you are...
  2. Your favorite color is...
  3. You normally dress...
  4. Your favorite food is...
  5. During spare time you...
  6. Your hair is... (Choose 1!!)
  7. Your eye color is...
  8. Your favorite season is...
  9. If you could visit any country, you would visit...
  10. Your best body feature is...
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What SugarGlider breed am I?