What stupid song are you??

Heh. Theres always the prep, jock, nerd, asian, emo people who have their dumb moments. Even songs! Pointless and stupid songs that they love, all for one reason, that we are all freaks.

So? What is YOUR stupid song? Is it going to be something crazy or something relaxing? Popular or Infamous? Find out now! Good results not guaranteed, remember, I cant suit everyones taste.

Created by: Dayna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, what is your favourite colour.
  2. What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?
  3. What music genre do you perfer?
  4. What movie genre do you perfer?
  5. Choose a word that describes you best
  6. Choose a word that might be in your song
  7. What language might you know from your song?(dont worry, only one is multilingual, theyre all english.)
  8. What is more important to you?
  9. Who is your favourite singer (these are not the bands of the results)?
  10. What clique would you be put in (highschool and UK cliques)
  11. Last question what do you think you'll get (real results!)

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Quiz topic: What stupid song am I??