What student in my lunchroom are you?

Do you ever wonder what student in my lunchroom you are? Well, now you can find out! When you take this quiz! That's right, I'm not kidding, when you take this quiz! Don't hesitate now! Don't stop! Go on ahead! It won't bite!

Go ahead! I made it! It's not dangerous! It's not explosive! It's not boring! It's not pointless! It's fun! Yes, 100% fun! 100% full fun! Take it if you want to have fun! Take it if you're bored! Yes, bored! Extremely bored!

Created by: Hillary
  1. What do you enjoy talking about with your friends?
  2. What is your catchphrase?
  3. If you could invent a new holiday, what would it be?
  4. Do you talk about racist things with your friends?
  5. Do you enjoy pounding the heck out of your bag of Cheerios?
  6. If you could say one thing right now, what would it be?
  7. Do you wear glasses?
  8. Do you like American Idol?
  9. What's your favorite Pop Tart flavor?
  10. What was your old catchphrase?
  11. It's the end of this quiz.

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Quiz topic: What student in my lunchroom am I?