what steriotype are you ?

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most people fall into or consider themselves a steriotype . a steriotype is a group of people with similar values , hobbies , beliefs , habits or as simple a dress culture .

which steriotype are you ? take this quiz and find out ! you'll never know what you might get or you might know ? who knows !? oh well you wanna know ? here's the right place for it !

Created by: chandini marajh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do in your spare time ?
  2. your friend are :
  3. your music consists of
  4. your hair is
  5. what is/was your favourite class .
  6. what is/was your favourite class .
  7. your clothes
  8. your favourite colour or something close to it .
  9. end of school! you are :
  10. your choice of shoes are :
  11. what your normal mood daily ?
  12. you are :

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Quiz topic: What steriotype am I ?