What stereotype r u? (remix of my 1st one)

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This is a remix of my old stereotype quiz, hope u like it, i added more here, n while i remember more then this is bout all i have lol. But hope u like it.

Sterotypes, high school r the perfect place to find them, the whole social scheme around high school revolves around, which stereotype r u in. Which do u best fit in?

Created by: Oneehime
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Long weekend..... wat r u gonna do???
  2. U got a sub for geometry, wat r u most likely to do?
  3. Ur friend n u r planning to hang out..... wat r guys gonna do? (me: or girls)
  4. Pick One
  5. Which will u wear?
  6. Which pet will u most likely have? (sowwy im running out of questions)
  7. Wat is fav color?
  8. Wat is ur fav subject in school?
  9. Another Pick One
  10. R u ready for the results?

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