What stereotype are you?

Take my quiz to find out which stereotype are you: Skater, Preppy, Nerd, Hipster, Emo or Jock?? The answers may be a little off, but try to take it and see what stereotype or person you really are!

I know, there are a helluva lot of "What stereotype are you" quizzes..however you spell it. I thought i'd try to make one up myself. So leave a comment, and tell me how it is =]

Created by: Ally
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your favorite brand?
  4. Favorite type of music?
  5. It's Saturday. What are you doing?
  6. You're going out to the biggest party of the year, what are you wearing?
  7. Which guy would you fall for? (guys, skip this one)
  8. Last one: What do you THINK you are?
  9. So uh. How's everything?
  10. do you like gotoquiz.com?

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Quiz topic: What stereotype am I?