What stereotype are you?

This is just a very random quiz that you can do when your bored!wooo hehehehe im bored so im gona take it x .. listning to Aly & Aj - Potential Break up song

Yes, i said when your bored you can do this or if your totally crazy or drunk.!! now im listning to Baby it's fact - Hellogoodbye! its a dead good song, don't ya think? DOWNLOAD IT!

Created by: Katie of x-dead-katie-x
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is skating your thing?
  2. Do you have many body piercings, wear black, and love heavy metal bands?
  3. do you waer tracksuits, bling and think your rock hard?
  4. Are you depressed, slit your wrists, and love black?
  5. Someone down the corridoor drops thier books.. what do you do?
  6. Your crush is walking towards you.. what do you do?
  7. What is the best band of all time atm?
  8. What do you enjoy doing on a saturday night?
  9. Do you hate school?
  10. What is the best thing that's happend to you?

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Quiz topic: What stereotype am I?