What South Park Character Are you

Have you ever wondered which South Park character you are? You could be either Stan, Cartman, Kyle, or Kenny. Take this quiz to find out who you are now! This quiz is incredibly accutate. Start now to figure out which character you are! And remember, be honest! If you don't think you agree with any answer, just pick the one that you're closest too.

want to know what South Park character you are? Ther are four results Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. Remember to awnser right and as you are as person. The two first questions has no effect

Created by: Chris
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do ya like this quiz eh, Budday?
  2. if your father could rise from hell, would you be proud of him?
  3. if someone stole money from you you would...
  4. In your group of friends you are...
  5. What do you do when you don't get invited to a birtday party?
  6. You just saw someone fall off a cliff. You are:
  7. Have you ever told someone that you intend on world domination?
  8. There's a child cussing in the supermarket. Do you:
  9. It's a dog-eat-dog world. Which dog are you?
  10. At this point in the quiz, you feel:

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Quiz topic: What South Park Character am I