What Softball Position Are You?

There are many softball positions, but only one will fit you. A softball player is, after all, quite exceptional. If you know the game, this quiz will help you decide what position you should go out for.

What is a softball player? A softball player is a true woman. So take this quiz to find out what kind of woman you are. Find out whether you should walk out onto the field, or sit your bottom on the bench for the season.

Created by: Izzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a batter is obviously leaning into a pitch you...
  2. Your coach gives you the sign to steal the next base, you...
  3. A grounder gets hit to you and it goes right in between your legs, what do you do?
  4. You just hit a homerun, what are you thinking?
  5. Your coach gives you the sign to bunt, you...
  6. The score is tied in the last inning and a girl is running home (on the other team) you...
  7. The runner on first is threatening to steal second, you...
  8. Your coach tells you, "You all played horrible," you...
  9. What word best describes you?
  10. Describe your bat...

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Quiz topic: What Softball Position am I?