What Sociologist are you?

Everyone wonder what sociologist you would be...take this quiz to find out. How do you see the world....why do we behave in certain ways...take this quiz to find out what social theorist you are.

How do you see the world....why do we behave in certain ways...take this quiz to find out what social theorist you are. Everyone wonder what sociologist you would be...take this quiz to find out

Created by: Phil
  1. The defining characterisit of human behavior is:
  2. The best way to understand society is to:
  3. There are Knowable truths
  4. Understanding how individuals interact and create reality is more important then knowing what affect society has on them
  5. What is the most important Civil Rights movement
  6. The best country in the world is
  7. We have freedom to choose our own behavior and outcomes in our lives.
  8. Society can be related to a biological organism....made up of a bunch of systems that rely on each other to work properly.
  9. Society is made up of interactions between people....therefore there is no reality...only the one we created throught interactions
  10. I think sociology is interesting

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Quiz topic: What Sociologist am I?