What Should You Do With Your Hair Today?

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Today are you are just itching to do something anything with your hair well this quiz is for you then there's 7 different hairstyles you can do and all you need to do is take this quiz.

To find out what you can do with your hair there's even a video after the quiz you can watch to help you know how you can even do this hairstyle I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Created by: KC13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello guys
  2. What's your favorite season?
  3. What's your least fav color?
  4. What's your fav color?
  5. What kind of music do you listen to?
  6. A tornado is coming what do you do.
  7. What animal are you most afraid of?
  8. What's your fav animal?
  9. What could you eat a lot of?
  10. How do you celebrate your birthday?

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Quiz topic: What should I Do With my Hair Today?