What School-Type are you?

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Okay, there are lots of types of school-people out there. I can only cover a few in a simple quiz. We do however have nerd, mean person, athlete and unique.

What about you? You could be the meanie-mean-mean-ness of the mean person, the geeky awesome nerdiness of the nerd, the strong athletic charisma of the athlete, and the epic you-uniqueness of unique.

Created by: Mrs.WomanLady
  1. Okay THIS ONE AGAIN: the color question
  2. You see a kid sitting all alone, what do you do?
  3. Your after school activities are...
  4. You would never do (answer here) for any amount of money
  5. "Blah blah blah bada blah blah blah runnin' out your moth with your blah blah blah..."
  6. What are you doing next?
  7. Your makeup is like
  8. You spend your years after college doing
  10. Last question do whatever you want

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Quiz topic: What School-Type am I?