What's your personality?

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There are many people in this world. And that many people equals a lot of personalities you might not fit into any one category, but I couldn't put so much on there. So this quiz will help define which one of these categories BEST describes you.

I was inspired to make this quiz after taking many personality quizzes myself. Those quizzes helped me learn a lot about myself, and I think that it would be awesome to do the same for other people. The four possible categories are sporty, musical, artistic, or shy.

Created by: Jahna
  1. The school talent show is coming up, what do you do?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. Where did you meet your best friend?
  4. School's out! You...
  5. You have a big presentation and are allowed to do and talk about whatever you want. What do you do?
  6. What after school activity do you take?
  7. What do you look for in a friend
  8. Describe yourself in one word
  9. What do you think you got? (Affects answers)
  10. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What's my personality?