What's your Fitzpatrick skin type?

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The Fitzpatrick skin type scale is used to measure skin colour. It measures to what extreme your skin tans or burns. There are 6 types ranging from palest to darkest skin colour.

This quiz is not completely accurate, but your result should be a pretty good guess. Your result will also tell you your risk for sunburn or skin cancer, but don't really trust it too much. Talk to a doctor first before you listen to the quiz's advice (because I am not a medical professional and neither is the quiz).

Created by: grimmchild
  1. What colour is your skin?
  2. What is your ethnicity?
  3. What colour is your hair? (Depending on the colour I might be able to tell more easily)
  4. What colour are your eyes? (Depending on the colour I might be able to tell more easily)
  5. Pretend it's a really sunny day. How long could you stay in the sun before getting a sunburn?
  6. Which emoji skin tone is most like yours?
  7. Do you have freckles?
  8. Does your skin burn?
  9. Can your skin tan?
  10. What colour would your skin turn if you were in the sun for a while?

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Quiz topic: What's my Fitzpatrick skin type?