What's Your Eating Personality?

There are many types of eaters. People all over the world have different views on different foods. This creates many different types and tastes for all the foods you eat and enjoy.

Find out what kind of eater you are now! See if the quiz is correct. There are many descriptions and food choices that you will have to make. Have fun, be honest and good luck.

Created by: food&n
  1. What is your favourite food group?
  2. What is your favourite hobby?
  3. Choose one word you describe yourself.
  4. How many hours do you spend exercising daily?
  5. Name your favourite food.
  6. How many full meals do you have a day?
  7. You have a garden in your backyard.
  8. You love to cook
  9. You skip meals
  10. You eat out of boredom

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Quiz topic: What's my Eating Personality?