What Roblox game suits you the best?

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We all know Roblox. We know it's an imagination station where you make friends, play games, and explore! But have you wondered, what game in Roblox suits me best?

Which one of the many games awaits you, is calling you, wants you, because it's a perfect match. Look at you tubers. They play games that are calling them. So why can't you?

Created by: Jack
  1. What do you do in spare times?
  2. Do you like to:
  3. Favorite meme:
  4. Have a roblox account?
  5. Are you a noob?
  6. Type of song?
  7. Favorite category in Roblox?
  8. Favourite video category?
  9. What's the most hated thing people say to you?
  10. What's your personality?
  11. More memes:
  12. What's your favourite thing to do?(I can only do six per slide so there will be ad dons. If you don't find one here, find them on the other. If you do click none of these for the rest of them.)
  13. Continue of question 14:
  14. Continue of question 14:
  15. Continue of question 14:
  16. Last continue of question 14:
  17. Based on this, what result do you think you'll get?
  18. Are you sure?
  19. Introvert or extrovert?

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Quiz topic: What Roblox game suits me the best?