What Phobia Do You Have?

People are usually scared of something. From snakes to peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (yes its really real, look it up) but what really gives you the shivers?

There is also the fear of long words. (I don't remember it completely, but it's something like hippopotomonstro......phobia. look it up) good luck!!!!

Created by: allie
  1. You are at summer camp, and spot a daddy long leg. You...
  2. You are riding up the funnest, highest, fastest roller coaster. You are just ascending the tallest slope. You...
  3. You are in your room and your night light is broken. You...
  4. You are on a long vacation in a cabin you...
  5. Your friends want to visit a pet store to look at the new dogs. You know very well they have pet spiders there. You...
  6. Your friend (really excited)asks if you want to ride the 200 ft. drop tower. you...
  7. You are at home and the power goes out. You...
  8. You spot a water snake in the creek. You...
  9. Do you like this quiz (no effect)
  10. will you comment (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What Phobia do I Have?