what omori character are u

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Rn you are taking a very serious silly quiz and you can't explode whilst takingvthis test and I will sense it and take your chips mhm I'm so smart shalala

The characters you can get are sanny Aurbrey basile mario there will be specific questions that some won't know so skip those if you dont😎😎😎 if ooooooo

Created by: Silly man
  1. What's your favorite color combaomation
  2. What's ur favorite character (real world)
  3. What's ur leaste favorite(form the quiz)
  4. Favorite ww song (skip if you don't know cause idk if this is public )
  5. Favorite Dr charcoaler😎
  6. You're favorketie food
  7. Wepon
  8. The
  9. Favorite song in general πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±
  10. Silly

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