What NBA Player Are You?

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What basketball player are you? They"re great players all over the NBA. Are you a old school player or current player? Are you known for team success or individual accolades?

Being a NBA is a dream. Thanks to this quiz you can see who's game you imitate the most. Are you a high flyer or a great passer? A great leader or a great passer?

Created by: Matt dover of Lildover2412.com
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather do?
  2. What matters the most?
  3. What team do you like best?
  4. What Award would you rather win?
  5. What record would you like to hold?
  6. Who is the best player All-Time?
  7. What is the best Rivalry?
  8. How tall are you?
  9. What's you favorite color?
  10. Would you please share this to other?

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Quiz topic: What NBA Player am I?