What Muppet are You

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Do you love the Muppets? I do. Not just the New movie either, I love the original television show too. This is for New and Old Muppet fans alike. I hope you enjoy

Do you love the Muppets? I do. Not just the New movie either, I love the original television show too. This is for New and Old Muppet fans alike. I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Marissa
  1. This is my first quiz so I'm sorry if it's bad.
  2. The dreaded question: What's your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. Who makes the best friend?
  5. How am I doing for a first quiz?
  6. What do people think of you?
  7. Grrr I can't think of any more questions
  8. Are you intelligent?
  9. Are you popular?
  10. Hope you liked it

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Quiz topic: What Muppet am I