What MMORPG class is good for you?

This quiz is random there is a serious of random questions that make no sense.random letters to fill space now:asfsghsgvsfafafgafafdasfsgagdasfasdgfsafgsdgss

RANDOM LETTER TIME:oagisungke ngkisn gsdljgnswolkginwsoiunsigksrngioejdrngolsg mndklfgjndskgjnskgjnskgmfsklmnskljnsjgmgskngosigoioldsgnkslfgnsodlfnsdogknmsolg

Created by: joshua
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could have a power what would it be?
  2. what is your weapon of choice?
  3. If your surrounded what would you do?
  4. If you were dieing what would be your final words?
  5. Do you group with other people?
  6. Random answer time(Rules:Choose the right and points are added to some classes
  7. continued...
  8. continued....
  9. continued....
  10. last question did you enjoy this quiz

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