What Minecraft Character are you most like?

Do this quiz and you will never feel like a dummy or an idiot of Minecraft again. Everyone will get a fair score and will be guaranteed to get the character they want! Like Alex, The female version of Steve, Herobrine, A legendary mob that is like a ninja and a killer In one thing And Steve, An enthusiastic, Mischievous character!

Are YOU the True Minecraft Awesomeness? If you are, take this quiz, And find out for yourself! . This quiz will test you on how awesome you are and how many skills you have. so what are you waiting for? Click Start!

Created by: MinecraftEpicLibby
  1. Do you like to prank other players?
  2. If there was a pig standing next to a melon block, which food would you choose?
  3. How many resources do you need?
  4. If I had a diamond axe and a golden sword, Which would you choose?
  5. Zombies are attacking a village! Do you Make and iron golem or do you Kill the nasties yourself?
  6. Do you like Minecraft?
  7. If your skin was one plain colour what would it be? Plain blue, plain green or plain Dark Purple?
  8. Do you believe in Herobrine?
  9. Do You have all the other minecrafts?
  10. Are you Enjoying this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Character am I most like?