What MF character are you?

Have you been curious if you relate to the Moonlightfoxes? Well,Come and see! The quiz does not feature all the characters,but,Im shure you will enjoy the quiz!

The characters in this quiz are,Darkstripe,Emi,Mak,and Willie,If you think you can relate to any of them,take this quiz to find out! Are you board? THIS IS TEH CURE!

Created by: The MoonLightFoxes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello! Its nice to meet you ^^
  2. I know this one is old,but,I need to know,What is your favrouite color? ^^'
  3. Quick! Renegade has Appeared! What Will you do!?
  4. Great,we're lost! And we have no food! whitch MoonLightFoxes character would you send to go get it?
  5. 2+2=
  6. Okay,How would you discribe youself?
  7. Do you LIKE this quiz?
  8. What do you do in your spare time?
  9. Who would you hang out with?

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Quiz topic: What MF character am I?