What memeber of the pals are you

Are you a true pals fan well find out by taking this quiz this will test you by asking you questions about the pals so read the next paragraph to know what its about

So this quiz will help in life. No. It wont. But it will be fun finding out if you are a true pals fan ok so when you are done reading this go and take the quiz

Created by: Arbri Miha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Denis's crush?
  2. What is Sketch's real name
  3. Which member of the pals never shows his face?
  4. Which member of the pals is most popular
  5. Who likes purple the most in the Pals?
  6. Who is Sketch's twin brother?
  7. Who is newest to the pals?
  8. Does Ethan (sketch twin brother) have a youtube channel?
  9. Do the pals play Roblox and Minecraft
  10. Is Alex gay?

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Quiz topic: What memeber of the pals am I