What made up character of mine are you?

are you gay retarted a secret cutter a shoppiholic a foot ball or cheer captain find out on this personality quiz with "different" poin of veiws on life

Maybe you are dating a beach blond with a sexy body or a football captain with the abs that make chicks go INSANE or your in love with a gay and your a girl or your gay and in love with EVERY GUY IN SCHOOL

Created by: cece
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you love the most
  2. where can people most fnd you
  3. how do you handle a crush
  4. what do you most watch on tv
  5. what do you like to do
  6. what is your favorite food
  7. What is your personality
  8. what kind of dog do you like
  9. What do you wear
  10. Whats your favorite song NOTE: Any gender can answer any of these questions

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Quiz topic: What made up character of mine am I?