What level of severity is your self harm? | Comments

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  • ok so i've had blood transfusions, hundreds of sutures/staples, loss of physical function, have cut muscle and tendon, and my self harm is "moderate" and "the most common level" ?? Thanks? lmao should I be in an ambulance every day to be valid?

    Also how is 57% very mild, 69% mild, yet 67% is severe?

  • I agree with the comment above^^^ putting a figure over 125LB being obese for the fems is assanine.

    • but its true lol any fem over 125 is gargantuan

  • Your Result: Very severe 84%

    Your life could be at risk. You should step in to the hospital and just tell them, but that's pretty impossible although that's what you need. People would not see you as a freak for this. Things do get better. Tell a trusted person.

    78% Severe
    59% Moderately severe
    57% Moderately severe
    29% Moderate
    11% Mildly moderate
    0% Very mild
    0% Mild

  • this test is so triggering take it down LMAO. your really out here telling people who cut DEEP, EVERYDAY, that its moderate like ?? thats what motivates self harmers to try harder, to go deeper, to end up really hurt yk ? anyways yeah.

  • this test is very VERY invalidating. i went to see if i needed help, and i get a score saying im not doing enough? what the hell? and to top it off, a fun picture of a wrist shows up in the middle of the test. the said wrist had cuts all over it. super triggering. any form of self harm is severe, even if its just somebody chewing their fingernails off to feel something. if you hurt yourself in any way, its severe. im disappointed with this quiz. it sucked.

  • Hiiii

  • This shouldn't be a quiz for the public to take. Nobody should allow a stranger to create a quiz to determine how detrimental your mental health issues are. Any form of self harm is bad, it isn't the answer for anything and instead of taking a quiz to validate yourself; seek help. These things shouldn't be allowed, the right education has not been taken and these questions are extremely personal and evidently biased. Please sort yourself out xx

  • Moderate level of self harming, I wish I could agree with that but in all due honesty I have always hated myself due to trama, neglect and abuse so I've been going through a eating disorder and cutting for awhile now but hopefully things will get better as I am in recovery but it's so hard.

    • please don't use a quiz written by a child to determine how bad your mental health issues are. Get professional help, because no matter what your score was; you're still valid and what you experience is still valid.

    • recovery just sabotages ur appearance, so obv it wasnt that serious of an ed lol. u one of the diet kids who "try" having anorexia for a summer? bc it sounds like it

  • Im already f---ing starving my self and other s--- and you think telling me if I weigh over 125 Im obese? Tf is wrong you. This why I do the s--- I do now bc of ppl like you.

    • personal issue. starve harder if ur that obese, piggy

  • Hey are you ok? I don't know how long ago you made this but if you are ten you need to get help. Please do not keep hurting yourself, I want you to get better :) I hope you are getting the help you deserve and need <3 get well soon hun :)

  • I had a lot of problems with this quiz. A) the obvious bias between women and men when it comes to weight. The womens question implies that anyone over 125 was considered obese. I weigh 160, but Im also taller than most people my age, Im also meant to be larger. But for some reason Im the mens weight question, there was no specific about exact weight. Automatically creating a boundary between women and men, setting them as not equals. 2) j oh was taking this quiz carefully and lightly because I did not wish to trigger myself. But halfway through the quiz, I saw a photo of someones wrist that had been- I dont believe it was the creators fault, but the website should fix that because someone who is in a less stable mind than I might be, (several weeks sober of sh) might get triggered and potentially get hurt.

    • I made a lot of typos I apologize

    • i was just about to comment this, it made me really angry for a second that is screenshotted it and sent it to my sister, i am 135 pounds and according to this quiz i am overweight lol, that is insane, the pressure in women is immense. also that is not a typo im pretty sure

    • stfu fat lmao

    • @thinminty Grow tf up, this has nothing to do with being fat they are stating facts. Get a life ur rlly cringe also even if u reply I aint looking at it, I got better things to do than argue with such an immature person.

  • Your Result: Moderately severe 76%

    There are a lot of dangers that go unnoticed with self harm. Some include : Skin infection Blood infection Aids /hiv (if cutting tools are shared) Going too deep and having to get help from the hospital to stop bleeding. (might also need stitches) You can tell someone if your ready or just drop hints. Take care

    70% Moderately severe
    70% Severe
    68% Very severe
    61% Moderate
    28% Mildly moderate
    16% Mild
    15% Very mild

  • I would be worried if I was under 125lb with my height.

  • A few notes: The correct way to do the weight questions would be, at the bottom of the female scale an over 125 and the males should be numbered and similar to the females. If youre creating this quiz to be helpful there should be no bias. Your idea of perfect and someone elses could be two completely different things, and usually are. Also you created a quiz for people who self harm, so to people who could be unstable at this moment, or in crisis, the wording could be triggering. Do some research before creating quizzes like these.

  • I've been depressed and harming myself for years, and I'm only 11. I normally hit myself, hard enough to almost break bones.

  • the weight one was kind of bad to put there... why were some options so light Im 90lbs which is not a lot (its not my fault I eat so much and dont gain weight so no one say Im anorexic or ill actually cry) and Im 56 and all so yeaaaa well guys I think this person just wrote it down quick and didnt mean for it to hurt ppls feelings I mean u did but prob unintentionally. But still thats very skinny and not good if ur that small (less its from a STUPID fast metabolism ist ok but u should not try to reach the weight bad for ur mental health)

    • omg I am not 56 I meant to write 5 foot 6 oops

  • I got very mild but I think its because I just dont like self harm like I feel depressed a lot but I dont self harm only times Ive done it is when I scratched my wrist like really hard ig that it left a temporary red mark. I havent done this in a while thankfully.. actually I just thought about it sometimes when someone says something and it makes me feel bad about myself I kinda put my hands in my pockets and curl my fists to dig my nails into my hands so whatever nvm but like I have never actually cut or anything... once I remember I was planning to do it that afternoon because I wanted to hurt myself really badly but then I remembered I had a doctors appointment so yea

  • i was triggered by the weight questions.. they were thrown in randomly without warning. why does it even matter what we weigh?

    • Cuz some people do self harm by starving themselves or eating less than others

    • omggg stfu restricting is a form of self harm, maybe try it if ur so f---ing offended jesus

  • this quiz needs a little revision. first of all, the weight questions should not say skinny or perfect or chubby those are opinions. you THINK someone is perfectly skinny. those questions options should all be numbers. any girl above 125 lbs is NOT obese. second of all, the mens and womens questions should be the same except with different numbers. third of all, and lastly, if you dont know what youre talking about and dont have any medical experience, maybe you shouldnt be posting quizzes like this. people who self harm are mentally ill. which means theyre easily susceptible to triggers. you could trigger someone with your questions about weight; saying as how many people who self harm also suffer from eating disorders. please do research and know what youre talking about before you advise other people. this quiz isnt helping anyone. especially bc the answers have no scale. they just sad severe and not severe. to anyone reading this, skip or ignore the quiz!! please go get help. youre gonna be okay.

    • Yea this quiz is messed up whoever made this

    • so yall are obese and offended gotcha

  • I meant Im 5 foot 4 and 165lbs

    • that revolting ur literally an oompa loompa

  • Im 54 and 165

  • I am 5 foot 3 and I weigh 80 lbs. for some reason it keeps saying I am 53 instead of 5 foot 3

  • I meant I am 53 and I weigh 80 lbs

  • Hi I am 53 and I weigh 80 lbs

    • ok honey we'll let you stay delusional <3

  • I am obese... I've always been obese......


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