What level gymnastics are you?

Many people do gymnastics, and many self train. I self train and always take different quizzes and see what each one thinks of my skills. This gives you a chance to do it!

Are you a level 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10? Well your about to know after you take this quiz! The last few questions have no effect, I had to have at least 12 questions

Created by: Alexandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What can you do on floor?
  2. What can you do on beam?
  3. What can you do on bars
  4. what can you do on vault?
  5. What level gymanstics are you currently?
  6. What can you do on trampoline?
  7. What is your favorite event
  8. How much time do you spend at the gym
  9. Do you like gymnastics
  10. Do you enjoy taking this quiz

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Quiz topic: What level gymnastics am I?