What left 4 dead character are you?

Left 4 dead character. BILL, FRANCIS, LOUIS, or ZOEY. Hopefully someone good. Super fun game, you should get it. And this has a movie type feel so BUY TICKETS!

Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: EvanComely
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather fight up close or snipe from behind
  2. Would you rather go back to pull up someone from there death or leave them behind and fight the zombies.
  3. Which gun would you use
  4. The is a tank coming at you, What would you do?
  5. If you saw a witch you would
  6. In the dlc "the sacrifice" someone has to sacrifice them self. What do you do?
  7. If you were fighting the horde and saw a minigun what would you do
  8. If your friends were around a big horde of zombies do you throw a pipe bomb.
  9. Would you give your life for someone else's
  10. There is a hunter on the building but you don't know (idiot) and a helicopter goes by do you run in the street or not.

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Quiz topic: What left 4 dead character am I?