What kind of soda r u? TAKE THIS

If you want to know what kind of bubbly, sweet, delicious soda you are, then take this amazingly cool quiz and FIND OUT! be happy and surprised with ur result!

Root beer. Coke. Sprite. Fanta. Pepsi. Which one r u??? This quiz will find out for u. Get a result and be surprised, angry, or happy with what u get. Go on ahead!

Created by: Penesia
  1. Are you popular?
  2. Do you love to have fun with ur friends and family?
  3. Are you smart?
  4. Are you pretty/handsome?
  5. Do you hate annoying people and show it by being mean or objecting?
  6. Can you be crazy and/or funny sometimes?
  7. Are you into athletics and sports?
  8. Do you thing ur quiet in class?
  9. Are you kind and positive?
  10. Is cheerleading and beign small your thing?
  11. Do you like soda?

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